Aletha i medierne
Danske Torpare, 2019: "Hun tog springet til et simpelt liv i Småland" →
Eurowoman, 2014: "Vendepunktet" →
Midtjyllands Avis: ”Skæve juletræer skal også have en God Jul” →
13. Jun/2023: "Tarnip Pissussiinik Ilisimatooq - Ekspert i Sjælens Adfærd" →
30. Oct/2019: Wake up and smell that damn good coffee!" →
3. Sep/2019: "Stress, burnout, depression and axiety are your existential helpers!" →
12. Aug/2019: "Soulful Leaders do not (necessarily) sit in Lotus pose..." →
The Search for the Soulful Leader - Aletha Bertelsen →
Audacious Pro Illuminating Midshipman
CVR: 31514177